Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter, the Bunny Holiday

City friends Suzanne and Tom, invited for lunch, brought an Easter basket they custom-made and wrapped for me. They even curled the ribbon. I almost cried from their thoughtfulness. No malt-ball eggs or nougat stuff here. Pure chocolate bunnies and Bissinger peanut-butter-chocolate eggs -- and a three-pack of microfiber quarter socks in bright pink, blue and teal green! They are great! These are the kind of friends to have over on a holiday -- or anytime -- even if they do think a woman living alone on 100 acres is eccentric and in a bit of danger. Au contraire! A woman alone is not looking for trouble. She is looking for transcendence.

In return they got ham au gratin and banana cream pudding made from scratch, a Florida recipe, sort of Southern and not often served here. Missourians aren't pudding people. But it blew away every dessert expectation anyone could have. The whole thing serves 12 and it contains exactly two tablespoons of sugar and no more. Next time I make one, I'll be sure to take its picture before anyone gets at it, and also post the amazingly simple recipe.

This happens to be post #500 in Divinebunbun's Rugged Rural Missouri blog, begun in June 2007. Celebrate by eating marshmallow chickens and chocolate carrots and putting on bright socks.


ana brown said...

I really enjoy your blogs I am in rual Missouri too and your blogs are a bright spot in my email.

gg.p said...

Jelly Belly Co. offered "peas and carrots" this year. (They taste like green apple & orange sherbert.) I made certain that my youngest grandkids had a sufficient amount of "veggies" on their dinner plate. Good Gramma.