Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cabin Fever

You know how spring gets you thinking about home-improvement projects? How about this rec room makeover for family fun?  Beats a ping-pong table. From The Pistol Shooters Treasury, 2nd edition, 1973. Ahh, the olden days....that looks like a Ruger Mark II in his hand. He can't be shooting larger caliber than a .22 if he's doing it at such short range, one-handed...I can't think of anything more ludicrous or dangerous than a home basement firing range. A figment of somebody's cabin fever.

1 comment:

gaye g.p said...

Well, my dad set one up for us (it was back in the '50's). A coupla bales of hay on the far wall caught the beebees from the air pistol.
We thought it was cool (oops,not a word we used then). We thought it was swell and I did darn good at hitting the target, for a one-eyed girl!