Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Zen of Caulking

To save heat I caulked the Divine Cabin's doors, windows and baseboards, and around the fireplace and anywhere else I could feel a breeze indoors. This has not been done since 1930. It took 3 8-hour days. I am now enlightened. Please avail yourself of this dharma transmission:
  • Confucius say, Cheap or expensive caulking gun are the same.
  • Caulk, like fingernail polish, comes in many shades. If you are a novice like me, buy TRANSPARENT caulk; that way, if you mess up it doesn't look as bad as if you used white or gray. Transparent comes out white, but it eventually turns transparent.
  • It's pretty clear that you'll  have to clip off the tip of the bottle, but don't forget to also then stick a long (tenpenny) nail down in there to puncture the foil seal so the caulk can get out. Withdraw the nail and check its point to make sure there's goo on it, proving that it reached down to the caulk.
  • Wear plastic gloves.
  • Clean what you're caulking before you caulk it.
  • Caulk is not Reddi Wip.It's taffy-like. When caulking, squeeze, move the tip, and relax slightly. Repeat and repeat.
  • Don't try to use the bottle tip to smooth out the lumps and bumps. Instead...
  • ...carry around some craft sticks/tongue depressors to smooth out the lumpy spots.
  • Fill a crack from right to left so you can see where the tip is going.
  • The more you caulk, the more caulking you see needs to be done.
  • Stay awake. Don't, like, caulk your windows shut.
  • Goo, debris, excess, and unsightly extraneous dollops can be removed with a dry cloth while it's fresh, or picked off with the fingers when it's cured (after 24 hours). In between, just accept it for what it is.

1 comment:

Paul said...

My caulk gun has a long pin attached to it for piercing the tube after the tip is cut.

I've found the clear caulk eventually turns gray.

I use my fingertip to smooth the bead of caulk. More control over the outcome. And I keep a wet rag handy for cleaning my finger right after. (Then I must throw away the rag -- can't really wash out the caulk once it's dry.)