Monday, July 5, 2010

On the Trail

To walk through a sturdy Missouri oak and hickory forest is a privilege. It is a mighty thing. This view, a path all paved with light, is along a steepish two-mile trail I walk often, near Rockwoods Range, never failing spring summer winter fall to halt in my tracks and marvel and wish I had been born in Missouri.


Paul said...

I love Rockwoods!

willyouwontyou said...

Went down to tiny Mayfield, MO, with my bro and sister last week to visit the exact site where my original Welsh forebear settled in 1819, having traveled by wagon from North Carolina. The house his eldest son (my great-great grandfather) built in his old age (after living 50 yrs in a two-room log cabin) still stands, now only a storehouse filled with hay, but amazing to me anyway. So, yep--I am truly Missouri bred. In terms of history, from two years before it even became a state!

Paul said...

I love Rockwoods and spend many of my weekends there when I lived in St. Louis.

I wish you were a native Missourian. You have a true love for it.