Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Letter in the Snow

Before holing up for a winter night I take the bird feeder and suet cage onto the porch, or else I'll be woken up later hearing fuss and turn up the floodlamp on an obese raccoon hanging upside down from the wire grabbin' at the suet cage, or waddling off with it...

And the porch door's warped, so after I shut it from the inside I have to go outside and kick it firmly closed (can you say Green Acres?) and I happened to look down...

(Heard a joke today. What's the difference between an introverted engineer and an extroverted engineer? The introverted engineer looks down at his feet. The extroverted engineer looks down at your feet...)

. . . and saw bunny tracks, and my heart was filled with delight. I love their "Y"-shaped track. Bunnies used to own this place but numbers have been down in recent years. So happy to see evidence of my otherwise invisible, secretive little friends. P.S. Rabbits are not rodents. They are members of the deer family.

1 comment:

Pablo said...

Thanks for your comment about Umberto D on my blog. I thought I was the only person in the world still alive who had seen that film.