Saturday, February 21, 2009

Soaks Up 47 Times Its Weight in Excess Reality

When God closes one door, He closes another, too, just to show us who is boss. Life events were such that I took a day off from work and hung out with Hawkeye, also recently and repeatedly traumatized. We had lunch at Captain D's and I was able to eat a meal for the first time in days. Too nippy to hike so we did the Dollar Store. Bought myself a Dodge Ram cap plus a bag of marshmallows.

At my place Hawkeye, using my tools, all by herself restrung her daughter's favorite bracelet, sadly broken more than a year ago -- and now daughter'll get cheered up when she receives it in the mail. We talked about what the Universe wants, and how it ain't what we want, and how, in this vale of tears, we got to have faith. Then we had soup and bagels and chocolate-covered almonds and blew up some fireworks. We succeeded in cheering up to a good extent. I recommend this Rx to anyone suffering from too much winter.

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