They say here, "If you don't like the weather, wait 24 hours, and you'll see how good it was." Hamster-sized snowflakes fell today. Thursday was a mildly sunny day, about 70 degrees, a great day for walking and climbing...I enjoyed the tiny buds on trees, small mayapples and wake robins springing from the forest floor, and looking for a jack-in-the-pulpit. I told a friend, "It should always be early spring." Then last night it got cold. Nothing on the ground this morning. But 5 inches of freakish snow on the ground by 7 p.m. It covered up my daffodils, violets, hyacinths. I baked chocolate chip cookies; what else could I do?
I like the way you think.
Chocolate chip cookies are the perfect antidote to a early spring snowstorm.
It did the same thing here in Illinois........alas, the winter is just doing a bit of last minute dusting this week.......but, I did enjoy all the snow blossoming over the other blossoms.
Carel from Albers, IL
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