Long-lived small-town businesses sometimes keep the same signs up for years, and this is the old Pittsburgh Paints sign I remember from when I was a kid, seen two weeks ago in Lebanon, MO. It's so simple and beautiful, and no TV commercial ever opened up such imaginative vistas as did these letters in these colors, hung high in the sky like modern art; not designed to make you want to buy buckets of paint, but to make you marvel and dream of possibilities... (we didn't know the lead in the paint was bad). I used to think I dreamt this sign, but I did not not. Life really includes it and still does. Now to find somebody who still has the Red Goose Shoes sign...
I noticed that sign a number of times when I visited Lebanon. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and if you find a sign for Red Goose Shoes post it too!
I found out this sign was designed and first displayed in 1951.
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