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Divinebunbun lives in a log cabin on 100 acres in the rocky Ozark foothills. Her porch is a box seat on nature and the seasons. This is her journal of chores and mysteries, natural history photos, and observations.
It was interesting to see the Methodist Protestant Church "pop up" in Missouri. My greatgrandfather was a minister, doctor in early Missouri and was a pastor in the Methodist Protestant Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Missouri. Dr. A. A. Keran, was his name and he is buried at Golden City. MO. I have recentley left the pastorate of the United Methodist Church and joined with the LA. Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church. I am starting the first Methodist Protestant Church in Oklahoma since the union of 1939. I am very interested in how many Methodist Protestant Churches still exist in Missouri and would like to communicate with members. Allen D. Mitchell. almitchell@mitchellagencyok.com.
Just a note: this photo was taken at 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday. The sign outside the church said Sundays at 10 is the hour of services, but I was the only car and person in sight. Hope there is still a congregation.
Love the "longview" designation! As it happens, my paternal great-grandmother, Emelia Tallent Williams was a "certified" Methodist circuit minister, certified because women circa 1890 could not be ordained--as her father, the Reverend George Washington Tallent was--in Scopus and then Marble Hill, MO--latae 19th Century. just put together that Dan Woodrell, author of Winter's Bone, is also the author of Woe to Live On, the novel Ang Lee had adapted to create Ride With the Devil, that terrific film exploring Civil War conflicts in Missouri. We may have a major new Missouri writer on our hands. Visited their graves recently.
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