May is one of my favorite months and what better way to celebrate its first day than after cutting brush and whatnot, to "set a spell" -- beneath the twin oak trees and behind what's left of my biggest cold frame, the one too big and well-made for me to dismantle with a claw hammer like I did the three other cold frames. As I get older I understand and am fond of the need to sit down and rest during days of hard work. Chair from Walmart purchased in 1998, steel and tough thick 1/2-inch plastic, still good although left outside in all weathers. I should've bought several; then yall could sit with me and gaze at the greenery that still feels so new after that awful dark winter. I'll also sit here to have a cup of tea or coffee and just be amazed at this wonderful Missouri.
1 comment:
Oh yeah I love this post :) We love our sittin' places and my favorite dear to my heart thing to do is to take one of our old plastic folding chairs and move all over the yard and just listen and take in the smells of Spring in the country. I love hearing our tanagers talk all day and they seem to follow me!
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