Today on this first truly cold day of the season (high 32 degrees) I was making my famous Christmas cookies and had just lit the stove when a little gray blob shot across my kitchen floor. I hate meeses to pieces. So I loaded up a mousetrap.
Over many years I have learned:
- Bait it with peanut butter.
- Just a scant trace of peanut butter. Even a little too much and they’ll eat it without triggering the trap, the little cowards. The photo shows the bait dolloped and OVERFILLED.
- Lay the trap in a tight spot so the mouse has to wend and elbow its way toward the trap and can’t weasel back out.
- Listen for the sweet “snap” and gloat when you hear it.
- Set the trap the night before you expect a guest or guests who is/are a real mensch and not too squeamish to take the icky trap with the broken-necked mouse outside and dump the body in the field.
I don't know if it's because of the weather, but we've had more mice this year than I can remember before. Got three cats, and still a bunch of mice in the garage and barn. I need to try peanut butter... and a dang buck ruined a couple of my small trees. Argh!
Yours is the third report I have received of unusually populous mice this season; the other from the opposite side of the state on the Ozark Plateau.
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